LS congratulate Dr. Deepak for considering his name in World’s Biggest Library Organisation IFLA “Wall of Fame”.

Honorable Respected Shri Om Birla Sir, LokSabha Speaker Parliament of India congratulates Dr. Deepak Kumar Shrivastava, Divisional Librarian and Head Government Divisional Public library Kota for considering his name in World’s Biggest Library Organisation IFLA “Wall of Fame” by delivering message.
He said its matter of immense pleasure that his Idea’s with Global Vision get appreciated internationally. The concept of Global Vision is a unique concept in itself, in which the libraries of the world are connected to each other and just as a lamp burns from one lamp to another, in the same way the integrated light of knowledge from online platform spreads all over the world.
Further he write in message that , It is a matter of pride for our city Kota that Dr. Deepak has got fame on the international stage on the strength of his hard work, innovation and talent and the work being done by him has got a new identity. I congratulate Dr. Deepak on his achievement and wish him all the best for his successful future as the South Asia Mentor of International Library Innovators (INELI) and as the Division Librarian of Government Divisional Public Library Kota.
Short Biography of Dr Deepak Shrivastava

Dr Deepak Kumar Shrivastava is presently Head and Divisional Librarian in Government Divisional Public Library Kota (Rajasthan) under Department of Language and Library Government of Rajasthan India. Dr. Shrivastava is one of the senior most Public Divisional Librarian in Department of Language and Library Government of Rajasthan. Earlier he was also held the position of Senior Librarian in Department of Education Government of Rajasthan and was worked as JTO in Asia’s the Biggest Women University namely Central Library Banasthali University Niwai Tonk Rajasthan India.
Dr Shrivastava is also an International Network of Emerging Library Innovator (INELI) India Innovator and Mentor South Asia. Recently his name is considered in IFLA’s “Wall of Fame” for international contribution to the Public Libraries. His Innovations are very popular in the Nation as well as International. Like his WhatsApp Initiative “Knowledge@yourdoorstep/Steps” has been considered in Global Report of IFLA as well as in American Library Association (ALA) Reports too. His Initiative “Voice Donation Program” launched in 2021 is become very popular in India. He has conducted many workshops and delivered invited talks on Library Services.
He is President of Rajasthan Public Library Association (RPLA) and Member of Indian Public Library Movement (IPLM) also a member an office bearers among many associations ILA, RPLA, LPA and SALIS. Dr Deepak’s areas of interest include Library Management, Public Libraries, Library Services to Visually and Hearing Impaired , Social Media Application, Community Mobilisation, Library advocacy, Outreach programmes and Collection development. He wears multiple hats and he is full of possibilities.
Recently His name has been considered in IFLA’s Wall of Fame. He is the one amongst 8 Peoples of Nation and only from Rajasthan. He is a Fulbright Scholar with M Tech (Information Technology), M.Sc (Information Technology) Degree in Information Technology and M. Phil and PhD in Library and Information Science. He has written many National and International Research Papers. Dr. Deepak shows extreme compassion for his communities and supports visually impaired as much as possible through his library. He has also taken steps to open memberships for transgender, besides introducing many inclusive services, in his library. Through the INELI India Programme Dr. Deepak has received award by Christen Mackenzie IFLA President and Deborah Jacobs President US Global Libraries as the Most Creative Thinker. He is a Subject expert of Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board, Jaipur. He is considered in the Top 8 Influencing Public Library Professionals of India. He is First M.Tech Degree Achiever Public Library Professional of India. Till date He has been received 34 International and National Award. He is widely travelled person and visited a number of libraries in Singapore, Melbourne (Australia) and India.
He is also serving to Career Point University as a Research Supervisor. Under his guidance more than 10 Persons are completed their Doctorate and almost the same numbers are perusing. He is the Experts of Librarian’s Recruitment Board, Government of Rajasthan India.
In This Year, he has been received four Awards – KP Sinha Best Public Librarian Award-2021, FHSLA Librarian of The Year Award-2021, Award of Apprecian-2021 and Global Librarian Award- 2021. Besides theses Awards he was the recipient of many prestigious awards like –Best Poster Award-2020, African Award of Excellence-2019, MRES Young Innovative Public Librarian Award-2019, Best Information Scientist Award – 2019, Global Public Library Leadership Award-2019, Granthalaya Vigyan Contribution Award-2019, Sahitya Bhushan Shri Virendra Singh Smriti Award-2019, Outstanding Leadership Award-2018, Best Young Librarian Award – 2018, Best Librarian Award-2018, District Administration Award -2018, Most Creative Thinker Award – 2017, Award Of Excellence – 2017 , Sumitra Research Award -2016, Kailash Best Research Paper Presentation And Knowledge Sharing Award-2016, Mitra Novelty Award -2016 , Manohar Research Award-2015, Best Public Librarian National Award- 2015, LPA Best Paper Presentation Award-2015, LPA Best Librarian Public National Award-2013, Best Paper Award-2012 etc.
He is Authored more than 13 books i.e. Information Need and Seeking Behaviour among the Educators, Library Services for Engineers, Innovative Library Services for Leading Edge Librarians, ISB: The Information retrieval Practices of Clinicians, Public Libraries outlook: Global Problems, Prospects and differences between India and Nigeria, Developing Sustainable Digital Contents In Academic Libraries -Institutional /User Based Technical Perspective Inter-Provincial and Comparative Studies in Public Libraries: Explore Insight with Studies of Kota Region Rajasthan and Patiala Region Punjab, The Weight Of Public Library Knowledge: A study of Southeast Region Public Libraries of Rajasthan, Libraries for Everyone: one step ahead towards promoting Healthy, Thriving and livable Communities ,Kid’s Libraries@360: The Roots of Reading ,Research Strategies in LIS: A Guide to New Approach, Law Librarianship In Modern Era : Opportunities , Challenges And Solution, How Public Librarian’s Feel About Their Jobs And How It Affects Their Performance: Job Satisfaction.
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